
OpentheGoogleDriveappandsignintoyourGoogleaccount.TapMenu>Backups.Ifyou'resavingWhatsAppbackupstoyourGoogleAccount,they'llappearin ...,如果超出儲存空間上限,您需要釋出Google帳戶中的空間才能繼續備份。您可在此查看目前使用了多少雲端儲存空間,並瀏覽儲存空間選項。你可在此釋出Google帳戶空間。,YoucanbackupyourWhatsAppchathistoryusingyourGoogleAccount.ThecloudstorageinyourGoogleAccountisprovidedand...

How to restore your chat history

Open the Google Drive app and sign into your Google account. Tap Menu > Backups. If you're saving WhatsApp backups to your Google Account, they'll appear in ...

關於Google 帳戶備份

如果超出儲存空間上限,您需要釋出Google 帳戶中的空間才能繼續備份。 您可在此查看目前使用了多少雲端儲存空間,並瀏覽儲存空間選項。 你可在此釋出Google 帳戶空間。

About Google Account backups

You can back up your WhatsApp chat history using your Google Account. The cloud storage in your Google Account is provided and managed by Google.

How to back up your chat history

Set up recurring backups Tap. > Settings > Chats. Tap Chat backup > Back up to your Google Account. Select a backup schedule other than Never or Only when I tap “Back up”. Select the Google Account you'd like to back up your c

Transfer WhatsApp data to a new Android

Step 1: Back up your WhatsApp data to your Google Account · Step 2: Install WhatsApp on your new device · Step 3: Restore your WhatsApp data from backup.

How to download WhatsApp backup file or protect it from deletion?

Go to https://drive.google.com/drive/backups and sign in with your Google account if prompted. · Find the backup file you want to download.

如何在手機或電腦讀取Google Drive WhatsApp 備份?

步驟1:將手機連接至電腦後,打開iMyFone ChatsBack,完成前面在程式上讀取Google Drive WhatsApp備份。 步驟2: ... 二、在電腦一鍵讀取WhatsApp... · 三、透過還原備份以讀取Google...

How to find your WhatsApp backups in Google Drive

Find a WhatsApp backup in Google Drive using a PC · Open a web browser and visit drive.google.com. · Click Storage in the left sidebar. · Select Backups.

How to Back Up WhatsApp to Google Drive (and Restore)

Open the Google Drive app on your phone. In the app's top-left corner, tap the three horizontal lines. From the open menu, select Backups..

How to Backup your Account on Android | WhatsApp

Learn how to back up your WhatsApp account on Android. You can back up your messages and media to Google Drive, so if you lose your Android ...